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Maintain the ORDER and SECURITY

EJDER TOMA®, which has 4x4 mobility, indigenous military chassis and fully independent suspension system, is manufactured for the security forces to interfere quickly and effectively against the civildisobedience. EJDER TOMA® which was uniquely designed by Nurol Makina, has been developed to maintain public order and security in rural and urban areas as well as border regions with its highoff-road performance.

Military Chassis

4x4 Fully Independent Suspension System

Indigenous Design

Ballistic Protection

High Mobility

Self Protection

Ejder Toma

All the tools, equipment, hardware electronics and software used in Ejder TOMA 4x4, is originally developed by Nurol Makina. Thus any configuration change or additional requirement can be implemented at minimum cost & time even to the vehicles in service.

Water Cannon System

  • Computer controlled, monitor control system
  • Indigenous water cannon design
  • Maximum 60 meters water cannon range
  • Horizontally 360o, vertically - 15o,+60o water spraying
  • 25o per second rotational speed
  • 3 different operational modes: short, long andcontinuous pulse
  • Protection for water canon camera system

Water, Gas, Dye and Foam Tanks

  • Durable tanks
  • Combustion and impact resistant connectionsystems
  • Capability to draw water from the lakes and wells
  • Demountable water container
  • Navigation device applications
  • Control panel display interfacecustomization
  • 3600 viewing system
  • Exploration and Surveillance
  • Camera System
  • Additional lighting
  • Day & night vision systems
  • Long range acoustic device (LRAD)
  • Driver vision enhancement system
  • Interior controlled multi barrel gascartridge launcher
  • Self-ballistic protected cabin
  • Emergency exit on the vehicle cabin
  • Fire extinguishing system inside the vehicle
  • Fire extinguishing system for water cannon engine
  • Gas nozzles around the vehicle
  • Fire-retardant paint
  • Extingguishing the barricades and obstacles
  • Cabin with positive pressure
  • Wire mesh glass protection
  • Self-defence nozzles

Ejder Toma Tech Draw

Ejder Toma Kapak




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